If you're worried about your next ride..

We Can Help You RUN .5 FASTER By Finding Hidden Errors in Your Tack or Technique.

Your horse is NOT the problem. You're NOT the problem.

Chances are, the TACK or TECHNIQUE you're using

DOES NOT support your horse's full movement!

Our Expert Coaches Help Detect and Correct Errors In Your Horse's Ability To Move Freely So You Can Saddle Up With A Clear Plan For A Smoother Faster Run


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Which will You Choose?

Here Is How Review My Ride Works...

Step #1

Send Your Video

After completing the Order, you'll immediately get access to the Dropbox link where you will Upload your Ride Video with just One Click...

Step #2


A Stall High Coach will Review Your Ride and Send you back Expert Advice for simple Changes in Posture, Tack or Position that can help you get rapid results for your next ride!

Step #3


Watch one of our favorite success stories, Wendy went from less than thrilled in the 3D to Winning on the WPRA Pro Circut

How Review My Ride Can Help You...???

Here's A Few Ways Review My Ride Coaches Use Biomachanics & Brain Science to

Get You Bad@$$ Results:

Body Position and Posture

How we sit in the saddle matters to a horse! See the angles of your hands, feet & seat through a NEW lens.

Horse and Rider Communication

Imagine your horse becoming so sensitive to a slight touch it feels like they can read your mind!

More Control

Less really is more! Our study at Baylor University shows that traditional hand placements put too much force on the bars of a horse's mouth causing damage to sensitive cranial nerves.

Equipment Adjustments

Simple changes to stirrup length, reins, saddle or pad could shave more than .5 off your personal best time.

Turn Mechanics

Stride efficiency is more valuable than speed. Just because a horse can "speed up their feet" doesn't mean they know how to lengthen their stride. We help riders approach, execute and exit each turn with the least amount of steps possible.


Tackling tough issues like shouldering a barrel, refusing the alley and overcoming shattered confidence is our specialty!

Riding Techniques

Stall High is pioneering a brand NEW way to run barrels! ATTUNEMENT is a new way to move your hips to activate both right & left sides of your brain so you are fully present for each stride of a ride.

Calm Focus

Our NEW style of riding helps you co-regulate emotions with your horse so that you're both calm, naturally collected & easily focused without need for supplemental training pastes or extra head gear.

Mental Approach

It works! At Stall High, you aren't expected to just take our word for it.. we promise to share the brain science & biomechanics with data to explain WHY our methods work, plus hundreds of incredible success stories so you saddle up with confidence you are making the most educated decisions for your horse.

What Others Are Saying...

"...Helpful and definitely got the gears in my head spinning. "

"I didn't think I was leaning forward in my turns because I was trying to get every inch I can out of her... Thinking about the physics now though, it doesn't make much sense... but it did in my head for a lot of runs last season. (insert facepalm) lol. Review My Ride was my first introduction to Stall High & now I'm enrolled in the Online Mentor Program and love it!"

Britt - Mitchell, NE

"...I could feel my mare was starting to drop her shoulder."

"Even though Traitor was already winning the 1D & I was very happy with her times, Kendra's online program has helped us get even faster and my mare works lighter than I ever could have imagined. I now have the confidence to pursue my dream of pro rodeoing & making the NFR."

Sheryl- Cocoa, FL

"...Review My Ride helps anyone. "

"Riding a balance is necessary in timing a horse. When a rider is on balance he can give the horse the signal for a stop or turn at the right fraction of a second, which helps the horse immensely in his performance. So much horse knowledge is going to be dropped you better bring pen and paper for notes."

Kevin - Pittsview, AL

"... In the past when I asked for help, people would just tell me everything I was doing wrong.. not how to fix it."

"I'm willing to do the work.. I owe that to my horse after spending a year riding like I have, he deserves for me to stash my pride and any knowledge I think I have to become the rider he needs. I cant wait to get into the arena and back into the practice pen to start making use of all this newfound wisdom!"

Bailey - Dalton, NE

"... Helped a ton! Things feel like they are really starting to come together finally."

"As a barrel racer & breakaway roper who comes from an english background.. I used to ride stirrups shorter but got told by everyone I had them too short. The length they told me does not feel natural to me and I noticed I was much more ridged in my saddle due to it. This Review was very beneficial."

Ashley - Green River, WY

"...My futurity filly has been running in the 1D."

"I was fortunate to be in the first online clinic with Kendra/Stall High. I have been a believer ever since my first Zoom... I just signed up for annual Mentor Membership. It is the best money you will ever spend. It covers health topics as well as the physical and mental needs of the horse and rider. Don’t miss out on this opportunity."

Tammy - Albion, ID

StallHigh LLC | PO Box 631175, Nacogdoches, TX, 75963

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